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AI Cv Evaluation

Revolutionize your recruitment process with Hyko.ai's AI-powered workflow. This tool processes a list of CVs, evaluates them using advanced AI, filters out only the best candidates, and seamlessly adds the results to a Google Sheet. Save time, improve accuracy, and streamline your hiring process.

Process a list of cvs. evaluate using AI
filter only the best
add results to google sheet

How It Works

  1. Upload CVs: Upload a list of CVs to the Hyko.ai platform.
  2. AI Evaluation: The workflow uses AI to evaluate and score each CV based on your predefined criteria.
  3. Filtering: Only the best candidates who meet your criteria are filtered out.
  4. Google Sheets Integration: The filtered results are automatically added to a Google Sheet.
  5. Review and Action: Access the Google Sheet to review the filtered candidates and take further action.


  • Time-Saving: Automates the time-consuming process of CV evaluation and filtering.
  • Accuracy: Ensures that only the most qualified candidates are shortlisted.
  • Collaboration: Easily share and collaborate on candidate data with your team using Google Sheets.
  • Customization: Tailor the evaluation criteria to match your specific hiring needs.

Try it out!

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